“Africa and China: New Engagements, New Research”, African Studies Rewiew 56, April 2013
La dernière livraison de l’African Studies Rewiew propose une série d’intéressantes contributions sur les relations transnationales entre la Chine et l’Afrique et notamment une contribution de Yoon Jung Park.
Parmi celles-ci :
- Introduction, Jamie Monson and Stephanie Rupp
- Remembering Work on the Tazara Railway in Africa and China, 1965-2011: When “New Men” Grow Old, Jamie Monson
- Chinese Devils, the Global Market, and the Declining Power of Togo’s Nana-Benzes, Nina Sylvanus
- African Pentecostal Migrants in China: Marginalization and the Alternative Geography of a Mission Theology, Heidi Østbø Haugen
- Ghana, China, and the Politics of Energy, Stephanie Rupp
- Perceptions of Chinese in Southern Africa: Constructions of the “Other” and the Role of Memory, Yoon Jung Park
- China and Africa Rebooted: Globalization(s), Simplification(s), and Cross-Cutting Dynamics in “South-South” Relations, Julia C. Strauss
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Coordination (11 juin 2013). “Africa and China: New Engagements, New Research”, African Studies Rewiew 56, April 2013. ANR EsCA. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oi98