Appel à communication: AAS Panel on China and the Shifting of Development Paradigms, Philadelphia, March 27-30, 2014
A reminder call for papers for the following Association for Asian Studies 2014 panel:
*China and the Shifting of Development Paradigms*
This panel will critically analyze how China’s emergence as a significant development actor across the developing world has reshaped our understanding of developmental practices and accompanying paradigms. The growth of China’s overseas development assistance has mirrored the growth of its commercial investments, with much of it directed at nations where China has a substantial stake in the natural resource sector. China’s foreign assistance is largely in the forms of concessional or low-interest loans and government financed or subsidized infrastructural projects. Little of China’s aid to developing countries can be categorised as the traditional overseas development assistance, e.g. food aid and social welfare programs. Critically, China’s development assistance is linked to its own development needs. Such preconditions have led to questions about the effectiveness and transformative impact of Chinese aid and assistance on its recipients. In this context, the panel seeks to comprehend the intersections between conventional and Chinese notions of development. Contributions from all disciplines in the social sciences are invited to reflect on a wide range of perspectives including, but not limited to:
– What lessons can we draw from single or regional case studies of Chinese development assistance?
– What role does the Chinese state, NGOs and state-owned enterprises have in development?
– What are the interactions between international and Chinese development actors in developing countries?
– What theoretical contributions can be derived from analysing Chinese development practices?
Please submit a 250 word abstract and a short bio (max. 200 words) to Jennifer Hsu by 21 July 2013.
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Romain Dittgen (17 juillet 2013). Appel à communication: AAS Panel on China and the Shifting of Development Paradigms, Philadelphia, March 27-30, 2014. ANR EsCA. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse