“Mobility, Migration and Flows.” The 56th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Baltimore 21-24, 2013
“Mobility, Migration and Flows.”
Marriott Baltimore Waterfront Hotel, on November 21 – 24, 2013.
On a geographically diverse continent, Africanists examine the multi-‐‑directional movement of people, things, capital, and ideas at many levels. We study not only the movements of people within the Global South and between the Global South and the Global North, but also the borders and the institutions created to police them, in relation to war, environmental change, and outside influence. We look at the transport of materials from one space to another by train, plane, and vehicle across mountains, deserts, lakes, and oceans. Increasingly we are discussing the fluid crossings of boundaries of identity in Africa, be they of religion, ethnicity, gender, language, or sexuality. In our era of social media and technology, we are examining the influence of mass media on the mobility of ideas, symbols, and material objects as well as their commoditization – both within Africa and between Africa and other continents. We look at the ways in which movement can create, sustain and reconfigure human relationships.
The ASA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of Africanist scholars in the world. With an attendance of almost 2,000 scholars and professionals, the conference offers more than 200 panels and roundtables, scholarly and professional plenary and institutional events, awards and prizes, as well as discussion groups, an international exhibit hall, and an on-demand film to appreciate the teaching, research, and professional results of Africanist scholars and that of their colleagues. The Annual Meeting is held in cooperation with major colleges, universities and museums in different regions of North America and attracts participants from North and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe.
Jamie Monson, Professor of History, Macalester College
Dianna Shandy, Professor of Anthropology, Macalester College
6 panels portent sur la présence chinoise en Afrique et africaine en Chine, et plusieurs communications sur ces sujets apparaissent dans d’autres panels.
III-R-3 Living the Life of the Migrant between China and Africa
Chair: Yoon Jung Park, African Studies, Howard University and Rhodes University yoon1@verizon.net
- No Place Like ‘Home’: Exploring the ‘house’ of the Chinese in Zambia / Solange Chatelard, Sciences Po solange.chatelard@gmail.com
- Assessing Health Care Needs and Services Provided: The Case of African Traders in Guangzhou, China /Margaret Lee, University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill leemc@email.unc.edu
- African Immigration in Guangzhou China: Cumulative Causation Perspective /Yucheng Liang, Johns Hopkins University lllyc_daisy@hotmail.com
- Engaging Africa: Community Dynamics and Local Embeddedness Among Chinese Migrants in Ghana and Nigeria / Ben Lampert, The Open University Ben.Lampert@open.ac.uk & Giles Mohan, The Open University g.mohan@open.ac.uk
II-R-1 Circulating Objects and their Meaning in Africa-Asia Mobility 39
- Chair: Stephanie Rupp, City University of New York, Lehman College stephanie.rupp@lehman.cuny.edu
- Chairman Mao’s Model Train /Jamie Monson, Macalester College jmonson1@macalester.edu
- ‘Fong Kong’ in Southern Africa: Interrogating African Views of China-Made Goods / Yoon Jung Park, no affiliation provided yoon1@verizon.net
- Chinoiserie and Chinese Objects in Yaounde (Cameroun): Valuable Distinctions? / Alexandra Galitzine-Loumpet,ANR EsCA- Maison des Sciences de l’Homme galitzine@msh-paris.fr
- Ivory Ironies: Flows of Ivory from Africa to Asia / Stephanie Rupp, City University of New York, Lehman College stephanie.rupp@lehman.cuny.edu
IV-P-1 New Actors in Africa? China and Turkey
Chair: Solange Chatelard, Sciences Po solange.chatelard@gmail.com
- Determinants of Public Opinion Toward China and the United States: A Hierarchical Approach /Kris L. Inman, University of California, Davis – Department of Political Science inman.kris@gmail.com
- Turkey in Africa: New Actor with a New Approach /Hasan Ozturk, Marmara University ozturkhsn@yahoo.com
- Turkey’s Domestic Push into Africa: Turkish Domestic Political Economic Institutional Interactions in its Economic Push into SSA /Catherine Anne Long, IN State Business, LLC c.long@catherine-long.com & Deniz Gungen, DEIK (Dis Ekonomik Iliskiler Kurulu – Foreign Economic Relations Board) Turkey deniz.gungen@gmail.com
- Towards a More Balanced Sino-African Relations: Lessons from South East Asia /Seifudein Adem, Binghamton University adems@binghamton.edu
Elise Dufief, Northwestern University elisedufief2013@u.northwestern.edu
V-R-1 Social and Community Dynamics of China-Africa Engagement Social and Community Dynamics
of China-Africa Engagement
Chair: Jamie Monson, Macalester College jmonson1@macalester.edu
- Nigerian Elites’ Responses to the Chinese Presence /Umoloyouvwe Onomake, University of Sussex u.onomake@sussex.ac.uk
- A Social Network Approach on Chinese Construction Projects in Africa / Yang Jiao, University of Florida
- Trans-Border Mobility and Cross-Cultural Business Networking Among Chinese and Nigerian Petty Entrepreneurs /Hai Xiao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong xiaohai@cuhk.edu.hk
- Shanshan Lan, Hong Kong Baptist University slan1@hkbu.edu.hk /Chinese Motorcycles in Burkina Faso: New Commercial Opportunities and Rent Control Logics /Guive Khan Mohammad, University of Lausanne guive.khan@unil.ch
- Discussants: Catherine Long, IN State Business, LLC cllong07@gmail.com
VII-P-3 China and Africa: Power, Politics, Institutions and Anti-China Populism
Chair: Agnes Ngoma Leslie, University of Florida aleslie@ufl.edu
- At the Intersection of South and South: Case of Sino-Algerian Relations / Lina Benabdallah, University of Florida linaben@ufl.edu
- China in Ethiopia /Aaron Tesfaye, William Patterson State University TesfayeA@wpunj.edu
- Chinese Investments and the Politics of Protecting Workers in Zambia /Agnes Ngoma Leslie, University of Florida aleslie@ufl.edu
- The Politics and Economics of Democracy and Anti-Chinese Sentiment in Ghana /Richard Aidoo, Coastal Carolina University raidoo@coastal.edu
- Discussants: Lako Tongun, Claremont Colleges – Pitzer College ltongun@pitzer.ed
III-O-1 Africa International Relations and Conflict
Chair: Nicole Gerring, Wayne State University
- The Modern Scramble for Africa: China – Africa Relations /Adrianna Midamba, Howard University amidamba@gmail.com
IV-H-2 Mobility and Authority in Africa Panel III: Illicit Mobility and Subverting Authority
Chair: Kerry Ward, Rice University kward@rice.edu
- Illicit Migration, Legal Visa: The Dilemma of Africans (Nigerians) in China / Yu Qiu, University of Cambridge yq218@cam.ac.uk)
V-A-2 Roundtable: Exploring Music in China’s New African Diaspora – An Innovative U.S. – China Team
Research Project
- Chair: Su Zheng, Wesleyan University szheng@wesleyan.edu
- Exploring Music in China’s New African Diaspora – An Innovative U.S.-China Team Research Project / Su Zheng, Wesleyan University szheng@wesleyan.edu
- Li Yinbei, Shanghai Conservatory of Music liyinbei@yahoo.cn
- Chengcheng Ma, Shanghai Conservatory of Music machengcheng880616@126.com
- Yan Sun, Shanghai Conservatory of Music mianhuatang209@163.com
- Kay Shelemay, Harvard University shelemay@fas.harvard.edu
VIII-M-6 Emerging Themes in Cameroonian Studies
Chair: Julius Amin, University of Dayton jamin1@udayton.edu
- A Foreign Policy of Pragmatism: Cameroon’s Relations with China / Julius Amin, University of Dayton jamin1@udayton.edu
Plus d’information sur le programme et la conférence ici
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Coordination (28 octobre 2013). “Mobility, Migration and Flows.” The 56th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Baltimore 21-24, 2013. ANR EsCA. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oi9g