Temporary Migration in Africa / African Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 5 (1) December, 2013
1.Temporary Migration in Africa: Views from the Global South
Derya Ozkul and Franklin Obeng-Odoom
Cornelia Treman
3.South-South Migration and Sino-African Small Traders: A Comparative Study of Chinese in Senegal and Africans in China, Daouda Cissé
4. North-South Migration and Remittances in Ghana
Stephen A. Adaawen and Boabang Owusu
5. Consequences of Female Migration for Families in Tanzania
Esther W. Dungumaro
George M. Bob-Milliar and Gloria K. Bob-Milliar
Book Reviews
Reviewed by Thomas Antwi Bosiakoh
8. Arrival City: How the Largest Migration in History is Reshaping our World
Reviewed by Franklin Obeng-Odoom
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Coordination (15 février 2014). Temporary Migration in Africa / African Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 5 (1) December, 2013. ANR EsCA. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oi9r