CFP Panels on China/Asia & Africa, ECAS 2015 – DEADLINE 15 janvier 2015
Following on Lisbon in 2013, the Sixth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS-6) will take place in Paris 8-10 July 2015 at the Sorbonne.The co-organisers are IMAF (Institut des mondes africains) and LAM (Les Afriques dans le monde).
Differents panels are, or could be, linked to China/ Asia in Africa or Africa in China / Asia.
The calls for papers is open until January 15, 2015
– African consumers of imported goods. Studies on the globalization of ordinary things (18th-21st c.)
Convenor(s): Guindeuil Thomas (IMAF / Centre français des études éthiopiennes (CFEE)/Institut des mondes africains (IMAF) & Coret Clélia / Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne/Institut des mondes africains (IMAF)
– Africa’s ‘New’ Asian Development Partners: what consequences for emerging African ‘civil societies’?
Convenor(s) : Fourie Elsje / University of Maastricht & Nauta Wiebe / University of Maastricht
– Asians in Africa – Policy versus Reality
Convenor(s) : Dubey Ajay / Jawaharlal Nehru University & Thubauville Sophia / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Convenor(s) : Aurégan Xavier / Institut français de géopolitique & Gabas Jean-Jacques / CIRAD
– Global African Entrepreneurship
Convenor(s) : Haugen Heidi Ostbo / University of Oslo & Pelican Michaela / University of Cologne
– Lands and minerals : grabbings and resistances. Africa in the heart of a worldwide issue ?
Convenor(s) : Leclerc-Olive Michèle / Réseau Interdisciplinaire Afrique Monde/Programme AfriqueS/FMSH
– Transnational circulations of people, goods and ideas: reception, adaptation and contestation
Convenor(s) : Thiel Alena / GIGA Hamburg & Marfaing Laurence / GIGA Hamburg
More informations here :
For information: Fees provided
– Early registration : 180 EUR (220 EUR, after March 31, 2015)
– PhD/Master students – early registration : 90 EUR (110 EUR, after March 31, 2015)
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Coordination (12 novembre 2014). CFP Panels on China/Asia & Africa, ECAS 2015 – DEADLINE 15 janvier 2015. ANR EsCA. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse